Dreams are an escape to a parallel universe that might reflect your aspirations, desires, fantasies, etc. Often, one does not remember their dream once they wake up, but other times, these dreams can alter an individual’s way of thinking and maybe change one’s whole life ahead.

Most people dream about food, love, and careers, or they can even be stricken by nightmares. But some even experience weird dreams like snakes, trees, or cats. Are you one of the latter? You are not alone. Dreaming about cats can be referred to as a cute and happy coincidence, mainly leaning towards a good omen, but it can also signify a deep meaning altogether. Read on to discover what these cute, fluffy kittens bring into your life, even by their color and breed.

The symbolism of kitten in your dreams


Innocence is mainly associated with naivety and childhood. Similarly, a kitten appearing in your dreams depicts utmost innocence and a flashback to your joyous past. If you recently feel stressed or bored, try rejoicing in your past hobbies or interests to regain that lost happiness and peace.

New start

As a good omen, if you dream about newborn kittens, just like they have their lives ahead open to multiple opportunities like play, hunting, nourishment etc., you will most likely dream of this when you have a new job, relationship, or other possibilities on the way to you. Take this chance and embrace the new beginnings.


With a reputation of being sacred and pure, if you recall seeing a kitten, know that it is related to your spiritual side and targets your consciousness. Take this as a sign to trust your gut feeling and leave your comfort zone to open to new experiences, trusting that your spiritual guides are around you.


From a more profound spiritual viewpoint, these dreams are linked to femininity, which is why they are usually associated with your feminine side. This also proves that these joy bundles symbolize compassion, nurturing, fertility, and playfulness. Further indicating that your feminine energy and connection to the divine feminine are growing, it can also be a reminder to take care of the women in your life, whether within your family or your partner.


The term does not just mean liberty to wander around anywhere without permission but also means being financially independent and mature enough to make your own decisions. When there’s a kitten dream attached to it, understand that just like they’re always on the go with a desire to explore anything new, similarly, there’s quite the curiosity and passion for you to peak your journey ahead, so book that next ticket and plan a trip abroad to explore and understand new cultures and experiences.

Different scenarios, different analyses

Holding a kitten

A dream about holding a kitty in your arms for a while can mean you’re ready to face your fears and strive past the hurdles. This dream can signify further chances of desire and comfort ahead. While things might seem uncertain now, this can be a sign to tackle at your own pace and live life worriless, as you never know what will happen next.

Feeding a kitten

This can mean you’re loved and cared for within your circle. Expect sweet gestures toward you anytime soon, as this is a sweet reminder that you have an excellent supporting family or partner enough to be grateful.

Injured kitten

Indeed, it is an unpleasant dream overall, as any sane human would feel remorse and lend a hand to help, but as the situation persists, it is a dream that can leave you feeling overwhelmed, vulnerable, and helpless. Likewise, this can also mean you are facing issues in your workforce or that something wrong is happening behind your back, so always stay alert.

Scratched or bitten by a kitten

As painful as it sounds, its interpretation is equally hurtful, as it can imply that you are going to encounter a difficult situation with a female. Moreover, it can even depict that it’s high time you resolve petty fights or minor disputes, as this can disrupt your healing journey. So, try solving such stuff and reach an ultimate solution to put an end to it.

Cat mewing

Who doesn’t love a cat purring or mewing? It can even be further classified into the category of best noises, and many will agree. Hearing this sweet sound in your altered reality can mean you are aiming high and shouldn’t stop until you achieve it. Your desire for success and recognition should reflect the efforts you put in today to relax in the future, so set your goals and plan.

Colors and their depictions

Black kitten

Black cat as a stereotype mainly signifies a bad omen, but it’s a myth, so a black cat appearing in your dreams can mean expressing yourself freely and not hiding your feelings as nothing is more frustrating than bottling up your emotions.’

White kitten

White has always been associated with prosperity and good luck. It indicates that your efforts will finally be worth it after a long wait. So, watch out for good things happening to you sometime soon that will ultimately turn your fortune.

Gray kitten

Gray kittens are bound to lure you with their innocent eyes, which shows that your intuition and knowledge are expanding. This indicates that you’re going to chase success by upskilling yourself or becoming better at your job.

Orange kitten

Widely known for their goofiness and unpredictability, their orange hue can depict that you have enough motivation to encourage yourself to take that step that you have been fearing for a long time, like asking out your crush or sending a college application to your dream college, as this time luck is on your side.

The psychology behind these fluffy dreams

Psychologists commonly believe in a connection between dreams and symbols in waking life. The ancient Freudian theory states that many of our dreams are simply a vital part of our subconscious mind, and we have a pictorial memory working daily that results in our dreams. So, this pictorial memory is associated with your dream of kittens from a psychological perspective, a link that can be seen by seeing a cat or kitten. Kitten dreams are usually linked to how we feel about our lives and our amount of control. If you see a kitten tangled in crocheted wool or a kitty that can’t climb down a tree, then maybe you are subconsciously unable to get something off the ground and feel immensely helpless.

Final thoughts

Dreaming about cats, especially litter of kittens, can seem mundane, but this blog speaks otherwise. These fluffy animals that anyone will scoop up and carry in their arms, although they appear in your dreams, can mean something deep; therefore, after waking up, try recalling and noting down it all to see if it’s a pattern if it keeps repeating and do the necessary research. Go ahead and get that beauty sleep. Sweet dreams!