Dreams are a constant source of mystery and wonder. They appear such that their hidden meanings need to be teased and analyzed. Sometimes they are so haphazard and absurd that you can make no sense of them at all; dreams like steering a boat which is sailing on sand or riding a donkey but facing the opposite direction. But if you were to only dig a little deeper, you’d see that sailing on sand can mean journeying where you don’t belong, or using the wrong methods in life and facing the other side while riding a donkey can mean not knowing the direction you are taking in life, almost willingly. The significance of the animal being a donkey can mean you consider yourself a fool for it.

Point being, even the most unexplainable dreams can be understood when looked at in terms of symbolism. In this article, we will go into the deeper curves of spiral dreams.

Spirals in Dreams

Spirals are circles that do not end in themselves but keep moving, creating a long cylindrical coil.

Spirals have great significance in both scientific and spiritual terms. A spiral appearing in a dream can symbolize many things, depending on whether it appears stationary or in motion and, if in motion, in which direction.

What do Spirals Signify?

The significance of any symbol or sign is determined by what it corresponds to in terms of general abstractions, but to understand what your subconscious meant while picturing a certain symbol, you need to correlate that symbol and its general significance with the current situations in your life.

Dreams can be interpreted in multiple ways, so to understand your dream, you need to contextualize it with respect to what you are feeling and the way your life circumstances or traumas have been. Such is the case with dreams about spirals as well.


Spirals signify progression, a constant growth that is not like that of a straight line but more complex and curvier. This growth can either be positive or negative. If the spiral in your dream moves in an upward direction, it is an indication of uplifting progress, whereas one moving in a downward direction indicates a drop or a ‘downward spiral,’ as the saying goes.

This could mean that your subconscious is either feeling like it’s constantly moving higher (in any aspect) or it fears a downgrade (in any aspect). It could be with respect to emotional wellbeing, career, love life, family, friends, etc.

Realization of the Self

In one case, the downward spiral can mean a positive thing, and that is when that spiral progresses towards a single focus point, like the eye of the tornado. The focus or origin point of a spiral is the one stabilizing factor in the structure.

In terms of our lives, this spiral moving towards a focus point can mean going deeper into yourself and finding that stability within yourself. Reflection and introspection can be summarized as what is signified by a focused downward spiral.

This could mean you are embarking on a journey to find yourself, actively or otherwise. It could also indicate that you want to or should focus more on yourself on a deeper and possibly spiritual level.

Feeling Lost

Another distinction between spiral dreams can be what your role is with respect to the spiral. Whether you are looking at it or are inside it like in the case of a staircase or a spiral slide. In case of you being on a long and seemingly never-ending staircase or slide, your subconscious may be trying to portray that it feels lost and has no idea where it is going and whether it should continue in this direction.

This is of great importance and makes logical sense when you realize that when looking at a spiral, we see its end and its beginning. But when you are inside a spiral yourself, you don’t know whether it will ever end or if it even has a destination. And if it does have a destination, you don’t know what it will be and of what nature.

This can indeed also be seen as a metaphor for life itself. We do not know whether our lives have any meaning, if they will lead to something, or what we might be greeted with after death. So, being inside a spiral in a dream can signify an existential crisis or uncertainty in life.


Another angle on spirals is their similarity to ‘going about in circles’. In terms of our lives, we sometimes find ourselves stuck in a certain situation and seem to go neither backwards nor forward—a state of stagnation.

A spiral can signify the feeling of being at an impasse or in a state where you seem to be going about the same things. A milder interpretation of the same can be resentment or frustration at a monotonous lifestyle or a set of habits that have become a distinctive part of your life.

This interpretation can be drawn in the case of a 2D spiral appearing in a dream. A spiral that is moving extremely slowly is 2D and seems to induce a hypnotic sense, which may indicate that you are getting hazy in your life and are in a state of inaction much akin to that caused by hypnotism. It may also mean that you are not in control of your life and, instead, someone else is at the helm. Your subconscious may be trying to convey to you that you need to take control of your life.


Spirals are considered embodiments of energy and a symbol of vibrance. Their appearance in dreams has also been linked to good health, passion, and a vigorous sex life.

The color of the spiral in your dream also has significance. Depending on what you associate a color with, dreams with certain colors standing out can have different meanings. A red and blinking spiral can indicate passion or aggression.

Loss of Control

A spiral that is moving at a fast rate can indicate a feeling of being out of control, or as they say, spiraling out of control. Because we associate spirals with the cycle of life and mental state, a spiral that is rotating uncontrollably is indicative of a face-paced and off the rails lifestyle or emotional condition.

Your subconscious may be trying to tell you to calm down and take it easy. In such a case, it is advisable to either take a break or meditate and relax.

Spiritual Significance of Spirals

Spirals are a very spiritual symbol. They are prominent in Hindu, Buddhist and Chinese Feng Shui traditions and beliefs.

According to Hinduism, the cycle of life, i.e., birth, death, and rebirth, works the same way a spiral does: constantly in motion and progression. It also signifies change, as mutability has been considered the sole permanent aspect of life and the universe.

Similar is the approach in Buddhism, as it considers life a spiral path. A path that has no discernable beginning nor an end. It symbolizes the continuum of life, even after death, as it takes another energy form and continues to progress the spiral of life.

Chinese culture sees the spiral symbol as the same as the circle of life but adds another element of opposing forces. The way the Chinese yin-yang portrays it, a spiral indicates harmony among opposing forces, which helps them move forward in full force. According to Feng Shui, chi, a life force present in all beings, is also portrayed as a spiral.

So then, spirals appearing in dreams may very well indicate a more spiritual and energy related change within you. It may mean you are beginning to grow spiritually and have become more in touch with your inner force.

Psychological Significance of Spirals


In psychology, spirals are often mentioned, especially with respect to their upward or downward movement. Spirals are associated with individuals’ mental and emotional condition and whether they are spiraling upward or downward.

In terms of psychology, a spiral is a mental and emotional journey we go through inside our heads and thoughts. We keep coming to the same point we were before (as happens in a spiral), but it is never the same spot. It is a journey, and each time we come across something, we view it anew with fresh eyes and a changed perspective, no matter how small the change.

When you think of it in that sense, you realize that there are certain emotional states or past experiences that it seems we can never overcome or keep coming back to. But each time we reach it, it is not the same curve, the way it works in a circle, but a deeper and newer version of the curve, the way it works in a spiral.

This new curve each time is meant as a higher or lower emotional maturity level or a different mental wavelength. It might seem that we are not reaching anywhere and are in a loop, but there is, in fact, progress. Each time, there is progress, no matter how small.

Mathematical Significance of Spirals


Spirals are geometric shapes. The Fibonacci sequence has understood their shape and increase in curve rate. This sequence is when the next number in a sequence is the sum of the previous two. For example, …2, 3, 5, 8, 13…  here, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13,…so it goes.

This explains the many orderly growths in nature, such as shells, tree branches, and spirals. We find nature alluring and captivating, but have you ever wondered why? Each object in nature has been carefully crafted and adheres to certain geometric principles and sequences, like the Fibonacci sequence. Many artists use this sequence in their paintings, and that is what makes them so appealing to our eyes.

Interestingly, even the cosmos and the DNA have spiral shapes. The DNA strand is spiral because it provides safety and stability, while the stars and galaxies revolve around each other in a spiral pattern because of gravitational forces.


Spirals have been around since the beginning of the universe itself. So, to have their special appearance in your dreams is, in any case, a sign of cosmic proportions. It means you are at a wavelength where your mind and subconscious are more attuned to the universe.

Dreams with spirals can indicate many things. A stationery and 2D spiral can act as a symbol of sexuality and vigor while also symbolizing stagnation and loss of control. A spiral in motion has various directions. An upward spiral indicates progress, whereas a downward spiral indicates a downfall. A spiral moving at a high speed indicates a loss of control because things are going too fast. A focused downward spiral indicates a quest to the depths of our self and self-reflection.

Spirals have significance in terms of science as well as spirituality, both of which have been detailed in depth in this article. It is indeed fascinating to try to wrap our minds around the spirals as they appear in almost all aspects of our lives and the universe itself.

All information in this article includes various interpretations, and as a reader, you should contextualize it with your own life and circumstances before deciding on the correct interpretation for you.

Happy Dreams!