Tag: Projection
Dream Telepathy: Exploring The Possibility Of Shared Dreams
Dream telepathy, also known as telepathic dreaming or psi dreaming, refers to the phenomenon in which individuals can communicate with each other through dreams, bypassing traditional methods of verbal or written communication. It suggests the ability to transmit thoughts, emotions,…
Tracking The TULPA
Tulpas have been a part of Western supernatural legend since the 1970s. A tulpa is a fictional creature that develops a material existence and consciousness in modern paranormal discourse. Tulpas can be inadvertently produced by the ideas of many…
15 Quintessential Movies About Lucid Dreams
Welcome to a world of fascination and possibility, where anything’s possible! Lucid dreaming has been part of human folklore for centuries, but it’s only in recent decades that we have begun to truly investigate the potential benefits of conscious dreaming.…