Have you been dreaming about marine creatures and aquatic life recently? As far as dreams go, some are cute and hopeful, while some end up leaving you confused or even jolting you up because of a nightmare. Is this because you watched ‘Finding Dory’ last night? Maybe. Yet you are left to wonder what does this all mean? Why do the fish haunt you? What are they hinting at?

As absurd as it seems, we believe your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Marine life often fascinates people, while it can evoke claustrophobia for some. Let us dive deep into discovering the mysteries of what these dreams symbolize, depending on the context, the type of fish, and their various colours.

The symbolism of fishes in your dreams

1.      Abundance and prosperity

Fish are often associated with earning generous wealth for a better future, especially in cultures where their primary source of income is fishing. Ultimately, your desire for financial success is fulfilled, and fortunately, your dreams take flight.

2.      Improved connection and communication

As we all know, fish swim in schools or shoals as they are known to be significant social creatures. Even in animated ocean films, those aesthetic marine shots mostly show fishes in groups.

Therefore, these fishes appearing in your mind can be a sign you, from the universe to either fix any unfinished business or cut off people who hurt you. It is high time you effectively communicate rather than bottling up your feelings.

3.      Spirituality and Transformation

In some cultures, fish are often worshipped. They even denote spirituality and evolution, so you are aware of new beginnings in the foreseeable future. Dreaming of these scaly creatures can signify a desire to prioritize yourself, enlightenment, or spiritual growth.

4.      Explore and inspire

Fishes come in different colours and patterns; each fish is known for its visual appeal. Similarly, these dreams can hint you to get in touch with your creative side and explore new sides to get out of your comfort zone. This can also help you know your potential in various aspects.

5.      Adapt and adept

Humans tend to earn and thrive to secure a better future for themselves and their following generation. Unlikely, fishes go with the flow wherever the waves take them. This might suggest the need for you to trust the process and be flexible with your choices. You may never know when life will surprise you.

Shedding some light on scenarios

1.      Good news on the way

If you dream about fish while conceiving, it is a good sign indicating that a healthy future pregnancy is on the way; however, that is if you are already expecting. Otherwise, do not panic; you still have time to plan and talk with your partner. There are many ways to approach this aspect, like exploring fertility options by freezing your eggs or by using a donor to achieve your maternal dreams, or if the issue is to raise all by yourself, do not worry; you will be a great single mother. After all, it is all in your hands.

Remember, your body knows you better than you do; trust your intuition and decide accordingly. Fishes are widely considered a good sign of fertility, so cherish them.

2.      Fishing for attention

Well, not literally, although fishermen have a reputation for publicizing their conquests for attention, if that is what you were dreaming about, you have been given a silver platter full of opportunities or expanding your reach in terms of relations or career and hoping something works in your favour.

Luckily, fish are good omens, so maybe you are fishing for an awesome beginning, like a new job, a new house, etc.

3.      Within the cages

As caged as the idea sounds, your subconscious is also trying to remind you about setting boundaries and having room to grow and change as a better person. This is vital in both personal and professional life.

Unfortunately, fish must be bound in a cage if they are adopted, but do not let anyone restrain you as a person. It is okay to be selfish sometimes, so prioritize your peace above others sometimes and watch how you become happy and flourishing within a period.

The state of the tank can also signify something like If it was filled with clean water, consider your slate clean on being unproblematic and maintaining a healthy mindset; but if the water was dirty, reconsider your recent choices as your negative side is pushing through.

4.      Deadly sin

If the scenario revolves around you dreaming about dead fish, deceased fish can symbolize that you need to be optimistic as you might already be feeling uneasy maybe due to a nutritional deficiency.

Like the scene in The Godfather, the infamous scene can convey the message saying, “You are next”, so be alert about your surroundings. +

5.      The big blue

Metaphorically, the scene in the film ‘Le Grand Bleu’ by Luc Besson became quite a classic, leaving one to wonder what is happening underwater. Likely, if you dreamt about a fish swimming, this could be potent of good things, but only if the water is clean and clear; however, if you are travelling in deep or through murky water, it can be interpreted as your constant self-struggle for the meaning of life and death, where it can even be considered as a hallucinatory dream.

One thing you need to be aware of is that you need to be in control of your emotional intelligence and know how to handle negative feelings like anger or rage calmly.

6.      Quite a feast

Eating fish for brunch can be a fulfilling meal for an ordinary person, but dreaming about it is quite rare. However, the significance can depend on the size of the fish. If the fish seen is small, you will be facing minor inconveniences; however, if it is big, you will be gaining profits soon.

Simultaneously, it can also mean taking more care of yourself and continuing to nurture your mental and physical health.

7.      Shark’s bite

Sounds like a nightmare. Well, the depiction is no different, as it means you are dealing with toxic relationships that do not have your best interests at heart. This is a sign of rethinking your friendships and relations and cutting them off, if necessary, as this factor can affect your peace and generate negativity in you.

Various types and their significance

  • Goldfish or Koi: Dreaming of goldfish or koi may represent good luck, prosperity, or personal growth. These brightly coloured fishes are often associated with optimistic outcomes and favourable circumstances.
  • Tropical Fish: Dreaming of tropical fish may represent creativity, imagination, or a desire to explore exoticism. These colourful and vibrant fish may symbolize the pursuit of artistic or aesthetic pleasures.
  • Dead Fish: Dreaming of dead fish may symbolize downfall, loss, or leaning towards the end of a cycle. It could indicate that something in your life is no longer thriving or has reached its natural conclusion.
  • Blackfish: Generally, black symbolizes the unknown, the unconscious, danger, mystery, darkness, death, mourning, rejection, hate, or malice. The colour invites you to delve deeper into your unconscious to gain a better understanding of yourself. In other words, black represents potential and possibilities.


Generally, fish are known to bring prosperity, abundance, and all the good things they promise. Remember, The bigger the fish, the bigger the fortune. Whatever your dream might be, it tells you to reflect on your life, what you want to achieve, and how you want to achieve it. There are obstacles or thorns in the path, and as a cherry on top, life is uncertain; today, you get a rose, and tomorrow, you feel the thorns as someone said, “There is no rose without a thorn.” But do not let the fear of the thorn keep you away from the rose. Be fearless, be brave and love yourself.